This week in baking we made some awesome goodies!
We made apple-raisin bread pudding; Pain Au Levain (San Francsico Sourdough); Chocolate Brownies and Brioche (from someone else's dough). Chef thought all of our goodies tasted great and no flaws in the production. However our Brioche was dry, taste was off and no color. We did get a reprieve for using someone else's dough. Since you have to let Brioche dough ferment in the fridge we could not use our dough for class; instead we used someone else's dough. This cut out a lot of time but it was GROSS! I feel bad for the person who made the dough because he/she will never know what their dough will taste like; and perhaps they will think it was perfect. Who knows our dough could end up like a hockey puck as Whatever the case may be we learned the process of making brioche and now we can do it on our own.
To make the bread pudding you have to make a custard creaming the yolks and sugar with a paddle. Then you incorporate toasted bread, sauteed raisins, apples, cinnamon/sugar, etc. along with cream. This turned out great and I will make more of these at home. Our chocolate brownies were great and we couldn't eat them because they were for graduation. Our sourdough had the right consistency but it wasn't sour enough. That is dough to the starter we used didn't ferment long enough. Overall we flew through this class and we made great food. The Sourdough used the sponge method and of course we blasted it with moisture to give it a crust...
Can't wait to make bread pudding for St. Patty's day!

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